Business name :

Website URL :

Website Type :

Solar Kings

Lead Gen

Unique Features To Look Out For on it

Programmatic SEO

Custom Layout

Lead Gen

Search Engine Optimized

Custom Layout

Effective Call to Actions

Custom Forms


Analytics Setup

Custom Landing Pages

Solar Kings has grown into something more than we could have ever hope for, and it's all possible because of BlackBird. Not only do we have more leads than we know what do do with, but it is also costing us a fraction of the monthly ad spend we used to pay!
Erin is the proud owner of our lead generation site solar kings
Erin Vermeulen
Happy Site Owner

Business name :

Website URL :

Website Type :

Black Bird


Unique Features To Look Out For on it

Programmatic SEO

Custom Layout

Search Engine Optimized

Custom Forms

Shop Integration

Mail Automation

Administrative Automation

Listing Databases


Custom Landing Pages

We love our website! is a shining example of our tech stack and uses almost all the systems we have to offer in order to facilitate a successful digital agency. Browse around and learn a bit more, then when you're ready, click the link below and let's get your business taking off!
Black bird development agency logo
Happy Site Owner

Business name :

Website URL :

Website Type :

Helpin Recruitment


Unique Features To Look Out For on it

Membership Site

Custom Layout

Search Engine Optimized

Custom Forms

Listing Databases

Mail Automation

Administrative Automation

Analytics Setup


Custom Landing Pages

Helpin is not a simple site. We operate mostly in China, which meant that the Black-Bird team had to find custom solutions to the specific problems we faced. They not found the solutions, but did so in a cost effective way that would have cost us lord knows what. Cannot recommend their services enough!
Christo van Deventer, Head Teacher at
Christo van Deventer
Happy Site Owner

Business name :

Website URL :

Website Type :

2Plus3 Food Solutions


Unique Features To Look Out For on it

Programmatic SEO

Custom Layout

Variable Products

Search Engine Optimized

Shop Integration

Mail Automation

Administrative Automation

Analytics Setup


Custom Landing Pages

BlackBird has been with us every step of the way! We have them on retainer and our business would not be where it was today if not for their innovation!
Igna is the proud owner of the succesful brand
Igna Du Plessis
Happy Site Owner

Business name :

Website URL :

Website Type :


Lead Gen

Unique Features To Look Out For on it

Programmatic SEO

Custom Layout

Lead Gen

Search Engine Optimized

Custom Layout

Effective Call to Actions

Custom Forms


Analytics Setup

Custom Landing Pages

Love my rank to rent site! I am able to sell surplus leads to other contractors in my industry. It has completely changed the way I run my business!
Phillip Van Wyk Proud site owner at PourWorx
Phillip van Wyk
Happy Site Owner

Business name :

Website URL :

Website Type :

Crown Solar Systems

Lead Gen

Unique Features To Look Out For on it

Programmatic SEO

Custom Layout

Lead Gen

Search Engine Optimized

Custom Layout

Effective Call to Actions

Custom Forms


Analytics Setup

Custom Landing Pages

Crown has grown into something more than we could have ever hope for, and it's all possible because of BlackBird. Not only do we have more leads than we know what do do with, but it is also costing us a fraction of the monthly ad spend we used to pay!
Gary Miller Proud Rank to Rent Site owner
Gary Miller
Happy Site Owner

Business name :

Website URL :

Website Type :



Unique Features To Look Out For on it

Programmatic SEO

Custom Layout

Search Engine Optimized

Shop Integration

Custom Layout

Effective Call to Actions

Custom Forms


Analytics Setup

Custom Landing Pages

BlackBird Completely revamped our website, updated our marketing methods and helped us set up an online store! Could not be happier with what they created for us!
Bernard Bock Proud site owner of the lead gen site Moss Blocks
Bernard Bock
Happy Site Owner

Business name :

Website URL :

Website Type :



Unique Features To Look Out For on it

Programmatic SEO

Custom Layout

Listing Database


Custom Layout

Effective Call to Actions

Custom Forms


Analytics Setup

Custom Landing Pages

BlackBird is amazing! From creative solutions to custom databases and CPT's Woof Mastery would not be where it was today if it wasn't for the efforts offered
Harper Lee owner of the dynamic dog blog woofmastery
Harper Lee
Happy Site Owner

Business name :

Website URL :

Website Type :



Unique Features To Look Out For on it

Programmatic SEO

Custom Layout

Custom Forms

Search Engine Optimized

Custom Layout

Effective Call to Actions

Events & Workshops


Analytics Setup

Custom Landing Pages

Black Bird created a beautiful, user-friendly website for my coaching business. Their expertise in custom forms and SEO has dramatically increased client engagement. I highly recommend their services to elevate your online presence!
Tom Bodley Successful lifecoach and proud site owner at bodleian life
Thomas Bodley
Happy Site Owner

Business name :

Website URL :

Website Type :



Unique Features To Look Out For on it

Custom Layout

Search Engine Optimized

Custom Forms

Search Engine Optimized

Custom Layout

Effective Call to Actions

Events & Workshops


Analytics Setup

Custom Landing Pages

Black Bird Developments built an incredible lead generation website for my carpentry business. Their custom solutions and SEO strategies have significantly boosted my leads. I'm thrilled with the results and highly recommend their services.
Mr Visser Proud owner of Custom Craft
Harry Visser
Happy Site Owner

Business name :

Website URL :

Website Type :

Anja Bock - Weaving the Web

Subscription & Booking Site

Unique Features To Look Out For on it

Membership site

Programmatic SEO

Booking System

Search Engine Optimized

Custom Layout

Effective Call to Actions

Events & Workshops

Owner Training

Analytics Setup

Custom Landing Pages

Black Bird Developments transformed my vision into reality with a stunning, functional website. Their innovative solutions and attention to detail have boosted my business significantly. Highly recommend their services for any digital needs!
Anja Bock is the proud owner of AnjaBock.Africa
Anja Bock
Happy Site Owner

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